Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby Shower #1

So, I had my 1st baby shower yesterday and it was very nice. Almost everyone I wanted there was able to make it. And the 2 that weren't able to make it I plan on seeing in the next 2 weeks. We played the chocolate poop diaper game, and it was hilarious watching everyone looking and smelling "poopy" diapers.

We also played the toilet paper game. Only 11 squares!

We had ice cream sundaes and my sister got us these cute little monkey cupcakes.

I got some great gifts. Everything we got we needed.

A pacifier, and a clip to keep it on the baby
growth charts
a few toys
sippy cup
baby wipes
hooded towels
mirrors for the car
backpack for travel

Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, I have been sick with a cold for over a week. And right now I am just annoyed. I am annoyed with being sick. But mostly I am annoyed with the way some people act.

First, it irritates me how people don't RSVP for things they are invited too. How hard is it to let the host know Yes or No. Especially if you ARE planning on being there. That doesn't let the host plan properly.

Secondly, it's kind of funny to me how easy it is to predict some peoples actions. How you can ask for a favor and while being hopeful, you just know its not going to happen. Something that shouldn't be that big of a request seeing that it is for a family member. But that doesn't matter.

And Family! That annoys me even more. But I don't even want to get into that.

This just makes me aware of what kind of person I want to be and who I want in my life and who I will go out of the way for.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Early Riser

So, my husband cracks me up. 2 weekends ago he preached how we were doing nothing that weekend. And then less than an hour later he called to tell me we were doing such and such. I don't remember what we did. But pretty sure we ended up being busy all weekend. Well, this weekend was pretty much the same. He got up at like 5:30. And came back up to wake me up at 7:30 with opening up the windows, jumping on the bed, taking my covers.

We ended up spending the whole day at my mom's. Where he installed her new washer, dryer and chest freezer. He also fixed her privacy fence. He is so great to me and my family.

Well, if Saturday wasn't early or crazy enough. Jon got up again at 5:30 and again woke me up at 7:30. He then informed me he had already been to the grocery store and to dunken doughnut and got a coffee and dozen doughnut. He was up so early that the stores didn't even have Sunday papers yet.

We ended up going golfing and watching movies the rest of the day.

Hopefully he will keep this getting up early thing on the weekends after the baby is born so I can sleep in a little bit.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want to still be me

I am not nieve. I have read enough and listen to enough from other mommies and know how much time will be spent on the baby. (Duh) I am very worried about losing me. I have already felt like I am losing myself. Being stuck at home and no longer feeling it would be best for me to start a new job so close to having a baby, is making me already feel the loneliness. I want to raise great kids but not lose me in the way. But that is making me really think what is there really to me to begin with. I read so much from people of my past who have chosen a career that allows them to travel (how fun, why didn't I come up with that). A career where not only they get to help people but they get paid really well. (why can't I want to help people. :)

I feel I have no real love beside art and don't feel I can do anything with that. While I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself, I am already feeling that everything I have just said its not true. I want to have my own business creating kids rooms, I want to produce my own art works, I would love to learn more about photography, more about sculpture, jewelry making, oil painting, sewing and probably many more. I really want to learn even more about dance (like I have been saying for years).

I just keep getting stuck because learning and trying all these things takes money. And I just have such a hard time spending money. Which I am sure will get so much worse when I have a child that will need things. And I just get stuck on not feeling good enough and being too shy to promote myself.

So, anyways the start of this post was for me to list all the things I want to make an effort to do after the baby is here: for ME.

Shave my legs once a week
Get dressed 3x a week
style my hair once a week
Hang out with other moms 1-2 times a week. (and not just the same one or two)
Do something sweet or surprising for my husband once a month
Try a new recipe once every two weeks
Along with filling my camera with pictures of the baby, taking pictures of me and my husband as well.
Continue the bathroom picture tradition between me and the BFF
Try and go to the gym 3x a week (eventually)
Go to dance events that don't cost an arm and a leg
Talk to 5 people a week about my business
Constantly learn more about Art.

If you can think of anything else that would be a good idea, let me know.