Friday, June 13, 2008


I know blogging has been around awhile. I remember asking a friend years ago "What the hell is a blog"

I know more now and I was asked by my mother recently why I put so many things on the internet (good and bad) because there are so many perverts and bad people out there that could hurt you and could come into your life, why?

And I started to think the same thing, why do I do it. Why do I put things on here, because if I put the good, I also put the bad. Because the bad reminds me to be appreciative of the good, but i don't want the bad to be held against me by someone that has no business being in my thoughts.

I had almost taken myself out of it.

I have read very few blogs before and came across an old friend who promotes her life and her photography. And she is absolutely amazing. Her personality, her photography, her love, her life. It inspired me to have the same amount of love, life, fun, humor within myself.

And reading random peoples thoughts I never knew how poetic so many people were. I loved to write when I was younger, and used to think I was pretty good. Now, after reading so many beautiful pages, I see how lacking my thoughts are.

Blogging can't be all bad if in one day it can inspire me in so many ways.

How does blogging inspire you?

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