Saturday, June 14, 2008


Yes, hate is a strong word and I try to be like everyone else that tries not to hate people. And yes hating people does take up to much emotion, energy and life to someone(s) that obviously does not deserve your time. There have been a few in my life that came close (or possibly did cross the line) to hatred. But I have crossed way over that line now in a place I never thought I would be.

I hate you and you know why.
Everything from the past, present and even the future has now been changed.
I know I did things that hurt you and you did the same to me.
Times in the beginning weren't that bad, but I don't remember any good times. I have not a single good thing to say about you. I made a mistake by being with you, but two good things came from such a horrible mistake.

Coming away with the knowledge never to make such a horrible mistake again, and him.

He is gone, but so are you.
I had to make a hard decision to let him go, so much more than the one to free myself from you.

Yes, you made me out to be the bad guy for the decision I was forced to make. But what a stupid one you made because of green. It could've been different if you would've been different.
You're a pathetic person for ending it because of green when you should have gotten it from your problem that created him.

But instead you took us from each other without our permission. You're the last one that should be making decisions; you never have done it on your own before.

Hate is a strong word and a strong emotion and it takes up too much energy and time form my life. And you have received too much of me, so I take it back. I no longer hate you because I do not love you. And I do not love you because I never did, because if I had I would never had hated you.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

added you to the blog roll;)