Sunday, March 15, 2009

Perfect Timing

I have always said and felt that things happen for a reason. And sometimes you don't know the good that comes from change until much later.

As I said before we weren't trying to get pregnant and we weren't not trying. That month (after our wedding) was the first time since I started having sex I didn't worry or think about getting pregnant. And BINGO, there you go. I guess if someone would have asked us, we would have said we would probably wait a little while. Just to be newly weds (by ourselves for awhile). And I always said I wanted to go snowboarding before I got pregnant. And I was hoping that that would be this year. Well, that didn't happen since we are basically having a honeymoon baby.

But disappointment never crossed my mind. Shock crossed my mind, how easy it was. Some excitement. I know I will be getting more excited once it gets closer.

But I have come to realize, that it was actually the perfect time. If we would have even just waited 3 months. I would have gotten laid off, and I would have never allowed us to get pregnant with me not having a job. But while being a "housewife" for 6 months before the baby is born is not what I wanted, I do think that this baby is coming at the right time. And not working for 6 months is just a sacrifice I will have to take.

It is becoming more exciting, thinking about Owen being here in 3 short months. Having the room almost done. Most of the stuff already bought. Reading up on labor and delivery. But I am not naive. I know I have NO idea what to expect for labor. But I am just trying to let it flow. Not to get anxious, not get too excited. It's working so far. But I know I may be somewhat excited, but I am also starting to get the "Oh crap, what have I done feeling". No more ME. No more US (Jon and I). I will be responsible for another human being. Be responsible for feeding, changing, dressing, nurturing, disciplining, guiding, teaching, training and most of all loving. I know the days and moments leading up to the arrival I will overcome with emotions. I am prepared to be a boo hoo mess when he is born. And that is pretty scary for me, because I don't like showing that type of emotion. I guess I need to be prepared to just let my emotions go and just enjoy the life altering change that we are about to enduring.

There is going to be a little person from me and my husband in no more than 18 weeks. Here we go!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

First time I have seen your blog!! This post brought tears to my eyes!! I think you said it all SO well and I can SO relate!! Hubby and I planned both of our pregancies but the timing was off for both. Later than thought with Kaya after delay from a bad car accident I was in... A lot sooner than thought with Connor as he was just ready I guess, lol.

I am a FIRM believer in EVERYTHING happens for a reason and sometimes you do indeed have to wait some time to get the reason for things but there is ALWAYS a reason for all the good and all the bad too.

I have loved getting to know you over the last few months and am SUPER excited to meet Owen!! He is a very lucky little man to have you for his mommy!!